Traceys Jam Tartlets

Traceys Jam Tartlets

I hope you enjoy these little moments of joy as much as my family and I do. This recipe is a result of my eldest daughter Rebeckha and youngest son Keith picking blackberries in Ballinahinch, Bodyke, ( pronounced Bow Dyke) Co. Clare. You would be surprised how many people pronounce this village name incorrectly. Rich in culture and history & nestled in the foothills of the Sliabh Aughty Mountains, Bodyke is a tiny little village (of the blink & you will miss it variety) which changed the course of Irish history in a big way. The 1800’s was very much defined by The Land Wars – a period of great unrest which continued for three decades as tenant farmers fought for fairer rents and better conditions. One of the most dramatic events of the Land War took place in Bodyke – known as the Bodyke Evictions (if this lights your fire & you want to know more, check out

Tracey's Jam Tartlets

  • Ingredients
  • Method

Makes 12 Tartlets

  • 250g (1 3/4 Cups) plain flour
  • 250g (1 3/4 Cups) icing sugar
  • 125g cold Irish butter (Just over a stick US)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 large eggs (One for an egg wash)
  • Zest of 1/2 a lemon
  • A Jar of your favourite jam (1 Tablespoon per tartlet)
  • Cornflour for rolling
  • Cream, Craime Fraiche or Icecream to serve.
  1. Sieve flour, icing sugar & salt together in a bowl & whisk to combine.
  2. Add in butter, use a fork to mix & create a breadcrumb consistency.
  3. Add in wet ingredients & combine until a soft pastry dough is formed.
  4. Chill in the fridge for 30 mins.
  5. Pre-Heat oven to 180°C (356°F).
  6. Sift Cornflour on to your work surface (it is less sticky than flour) & tip the pastry on to the surface.
  7. Use 2 x cookie/scone cutters (one slightly larger than the other) if you do not have cookie/scone cutters you can use two water glasses, one slightly larger than the other & it will work just as well. (dip the rim in flour before each cut to make this easier)
  8. Roll out the pastry until approx 1/4 inch thick and cut out 12 of each size round (using your cookie cutters or glasses)
  9. Placing the larger circle on the bottom of a lightly floured cupcake tin, place a tablespoon of jam into the middle & brush the rim with water.
  10. Place the smaller round of pastry on tip. Continue process until dough is used up.
  11. Pierce tops of tartlets with a fork and press the edges down with fork.
  12. Brush the tops with beaten egg.
  13. Bake for 30-35 mins until golden.
  14. Chill on wire rack until cooled. (Hot jam will REALLY burn you.)
  15. Serve with a sprinkle of icing sugar & fresh cream (or creme fraiche/ice cream if preferred).

Best eaten same day! (They won't last any longer than that anyway).

Buon Appetito,

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