Lockdown Brunch

Lockdown Brunch

Serves 4

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Cook time: 25 Minutes

It is no easy task each day to think of what to cook. Something that will bring me joy in the cooking of it but that will also make my family smile. A smile can change the chemistry in your brain to release
endorphins & if my cooking can help do that, then I am a happy camper. Having reared four children that I am immensely proud of - over the years I have had to be very creative in my presentation of their meals to encourage them to eat when they were going through a finicky phase, such as sail boat sandwiches for my eldest son Graham (when he was little, of course). Graham trains horses & Connemara ponies and brings visitors on treks in the beautiful enchanting Carrowholly on the outskirts of Westport in Co.Mayo. Check them out out here and make sure to tell them that I sent you.

This recipe came from having a few potatoes that were starting to sprout, not enough for a dinner but enough to use as a base for brunch (a mix between breakfast and lunch). Jane is a big fan of hash browns so I decided to put my own spin on it. The bit of magic in this is that half way through cooking you place a plate upside down on top of the hash brown, turn you pan upside down on to the plate to reveal the beautiful golden colour of the cooked side and then slide it back into the pan. It is such a satisfying feeling & definitely cuts down on the mess.

One of my favourite items I have in my kitchen is a stainless steel cone shaped sieve with a decent handle for hanging it up where it is within easy reach for me. This is the secret to success of this recipe as you need to squeeze all the starchy liquid from the grated potatoes. I hope you enjoy this crispy brunch at anytime of the day.

  • Ingredients
  • Method
  • Local Suppliers

Serves 4

  • 4 medium size potatoes grated

  • 8 good quality pork sausages (I used 4 pork & apple and 4 pork & black pepper)

  • 4 eggs

  • 4 slices of Clonakilty white pudding or other quality white pudding.

  • 2 Tblsp olive oil

  • 1 Tspn of butter

  • Salt & Pepper to taste.

  • Best served with a big pot of tea and toasted brown soda bread.

Don't forget to smile,


  1. Peel and grate the potatoes & Rinse under cold water.
  2. Put into a sieve and continue to push the moisture from the potatoes, best done with a clean hand. This can take up to 10 minutes until they are almost completely dry.
  3. Cook your sausages and pudding until cooked through. I suggest doing this in a George Foreman style grill or an air fryer. Turn as needed. Cook for 10-12 minutes.
  4. Heat olive oil in a large frying pan , add in grated potatoes with salt pepper, push down all around the edges. After approx 5 minutes take a knob of real butter on a fork and run it around the edges of the potato. Continue to cook for another 2 minutes.
  5. Take a large plate and place it inverted over the potatoes, using a tea towel gently with one hand firmly on the back of the plate, carefully turn the frying pan upside down. Now place your pan back on the heat and put in 1 tblsp of olive oil and gently slide potato back into the pan.
  6. Continue to cook for another 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and again allow some butter to melt around the inside of the pain.
  7. Slide the hash brown onto a big enough serving plate, Fry or poach 4 eggs, place one on each corner of the hash brown, Serve with sausages, puddings and brown soda bread and a decent pot of tea.
  • Sausages from Joey Kavanaghs Butchers, Main Street, Scarriff, Co. Clare.
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